PT provider

Provider of Proficiency Testing (PIMS)

The IMS Institute is Provider of Proficiency Testing by using interlaboratory comparisons. The activities are implemented through the flexible organizational entities PIMS and Testing Laboratories accredited with the national Accreditation body.

PIMS annually implements an average of 12 rounds-cycles of testing laboratories’ proficiency testing schemes for the purpose of evaluating their competence, both in accredited areas and methods, and in areas and methods that are not accredited, and there is interest from potential participants .

The scope of PIMS accreditation refers to competency tests in the areas of:

  • Physical, chemical and mechanical tests of cement
  • Acoustic noise tests
  • Acoustic tests of sound insulation
  • Physical and mechanical tests of ceramic tiles
  • Physical and mechanical tests of masonry elements and clay tiles
  • Physical and mechanical tests of stone aggregate
  • Physical tests of bitumen
  • Physical and mechanical tests of thermal insulation materials

Proficiency tests that are not accredited refer to the following areas:

  • Chemical tests of solid waste
  • Fire tests of thermal insulation materials
  • Physical tests of air permeability of apartments
  • Physical and mechanical tests of synthetic materials

So far, about 500 legal entities from about 50 countries from Europe, Asia and Africa have participated in the realization of the schemes.

All interested parties have the right to submit an objection or appeal to the service provided. Complaints/complaints will be dealt with in accordance with document IP 28 Complaints and Complaints.