Scientific block

Scientific block

The IMS Institute is a research and development institute, accredited and registered in the register of scientific and research organizations of the Republic of Serbia. The main activity of the Institute is research and development in technical and technological and related natural sciences.

The leading scientific and research staff, with their multidisciplinarity and expertise, cover numerous areas within the accredited activities of the IMS Institute. In previous years, in accordance with the trends of modern science, the most represented national and international scientific research projects are in the fields of construction with material engineering, geotechnics with road construction and mechanical engineering with energy.

The IMS Institute has extremely good cooperation with the economy, both in solving current problems and in the transfer of technology and knowledge through technical solutions and patents. The Institute actively participates in solving various social challenges in the field of construction and related activities. Technology transfer services are mostly provided in-house. The multi-disciplinarity of technology transfer teams and projects (patents, technical solutions) is ensured through partnerships with other research and development institutions and universities. The Institute actively addresses partners from the private sector – first through the previously mentioned transfer of knowledge, and then through the regular holding of seminars and trainings organized by the Institute for business associates.

Through cooperation on scientific projects, improvement of scientific and research staff, participation in coordinating doctoral dissertations, technical solutions applicable in the economy and other publications, the IMS Institute achieves constant cooperation with a large number of higher education institutions (from the University of Belgrade: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technological Faculty of Metallurgy, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; from the University of Novi Sad: Faculty of Technical Sciences, Faculty of Civil Engineering in Subotica; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš) and scientific research organizations whose activity is similar or compatible (Institute for Nuclear Technology and other mineral raw materials, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Institute of Technical Sciences SANU, Institute Jaroslav Cherny, Institute of Roads, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Military Technical Institute, etc.).

The IMS Institute and/or its laboratories and employees are members of many international associations: ENBRI – The European Network of Building Research Institutes; RILEM – International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures; ECERS – European Ceramic Society (through membership in The Serbian Ceramic Society (SeCerS); ModTech – Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering, Republic of Serbia Branch; European Welding Federation (through membership in the Society for the Advancement of Welding in Serbia – DUZS, Serbian Welding Society), EfNDT European federation for Non-Destructive Testing (through membership in the Serbian Society for Non-Destructive Testing – SDIBR); IIW – International Institute of Welding; CEN – European Committee for Standardization, etc.

Also, there is close cooperation with international research and higher education organizations in order to exchange knowledge, publish achieved results and participate in international and bilateral projects: Construction Institute of Slovenia, ZAG, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia; The Technical and Test Institute for Construction Prague, TZUS, Prague, Czech Republic; IGH Institute, D.D. Zagreb, Croatia; Technische Universität Wien, Austria; Thapar University, Patiala, India; etc.

The institute achieves excellent internationally recognized results even though the researchers are engaged in scientific research and engineering work at the same time. The synergy of science and practice is exactly what makes the IMS Institute unique and enables researchers to publish their results in prominent top international journals. Researchers of the IMS Institute actively participate in the evaluation of international projects, and are also engaged as reviewers in top international journals.

In addition to publications in journals, researchers from the Institute actively participate in conferences either through the dissemination of results or through participation in organizational and scientific committees. In previous years, the IMS Institute was the organizer and co-organizer of a large number of national and international conferences. Researchers publish their results in the form of international monographs and technical solutions recognized at the international level.

During 2022, the IMS Institute was actively involved in the Open Science project, the goal of which is free access to scientific knowledge and research results. The digital repository of publications of IMS Institute associates in electronic format is available at