Scientific staff_TerzicA
Scientific Block - Staff
Ph.D. Anja Terzić, B.Sc.
The Centre for materials

tel: (+381 11) 2650-322 / 208 | |
Academic title:
Principal Research Fellow
Field of research
Materials Science; Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering; Engineering Chemistry; Construction & Building Technology
Ph.D.Anja Terzić graduated (2005) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade and completed her Ph.D. thesis (2009) at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade. She previously worked in Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials, and at Faculty for Management in Civil Engineering, University Union. Ph.D. Anja Terzić is employed in the Institute for Testing of Materials IMS since June 2011. She is Principal research fellow since 2020. The main research subjects are cement chemistry and the usability of industrial waste in cementitious composites. She is implementing instrumental methods of analysis (DTA/DSC/TG, XRD, FTIR, SEM) in her research on both raw materials and building materials. A special emphasis in her work is on the application of industrial waste, optimization of raw material composition, technological parameters of the production process, and quality of the products. Ph.D. Terzić published more than 100 bibliographic units, among which 69 were in international journals. This researcher has an h-index of 12 and 561 citations (SCOPUS), and she reviewed more than 150 papers in high-quality international journals, exerting great influence in the field. She is a certified reviewer by Elsevier and Publons. She managed the sub-project section of the national project in the period 2011-2019 (Multidisciplinary project III45008). She is a team member on bilateral and multilateral projects (ERASMUS, COST). She is a member of Serbian Ceramic Society and two RILEM’s TCs (BEC: Bio-stabilised earth-based construction: performance-approach for better resilience; 282-CCL: Calcined Clays as Supplementary Cementitious Materials, and UMW: Upcycling Powder Mineral “Wastes” into Cement Matrices). She has a good collaboration with various researchers and institutions abroad.