The Centre for materials-References-Chemistry

The Centre for materials - References

Laboratory for binders, chemistry and mortar

The Laboratory for binders, chemistry and mortar has a wide range of chemical (classical chemical analysis by wet chemistry, XRF spectrometry, ICP OES spectrometry), physical (bulk mass, specific surface area, setting time, volume constancy, heat of hydration, reactivity, etc.) testing capabilities. and mechanical (strength under pressure, bending, tension, shear, adhesion by pull-off method) properties of various raw materials and finished products, such as cement, lime, gypsum, mortars, geological materials, materials for repairs and reparations of concrete.


It also has a large number of chambers for exposing samples to different influences such as freezing-thawing, high temperature, high humidity, elevated pressure, cyclic exposure of samples to different influences in order to test the durability of materials and products.


In addition to standard laboratory tests according to Serbian and European standards, more and more specific tests are performed, such as tests of materials from cultural and historical monuments, tests of deposits, tests and research of industrial by-products. Through participation in a large number of scientific-research projects and studies in cooperation with other organizational units of the IMS Institute, a contribution was made to the implementation of research results, as well as to the restoration and protection of architectural heritage.


Work in this area is based on cooperation with business entities and related institutes from the country and region. The laboratory has modern equipment and from year to year it raises its level by purchasing new and more modern units, which opens up possibilities for expanding the scope of testing.


Initial inspection of the production facility and factory control of cement production


Permanent supervision of the factory control of the production of chemical additives in accordance with the Rulebook on technical requirements for chemical additives to concrete, shotcrete, mortar and grout for prestressing cables


Laboratory tests of chemical, physical and mechanical characteristics of samples of cement, mortar, glue, lime, gypsum, ash, slag, etc.


Tests in the field using the pull-off method