Business blocks

The activities of the IMS Institute are from various technical disciplines, that deal with:

The Centre for materials

The Centre for materials

The Center for Materials deals with the testing of raw materials for the production of building materials, as well as quality control of finished products.

The Centre for metals and energetics

The Centre for metals and energetics

The main activity of the Centre for metals and energetics is testing metals and mechanical equipment using destructive or non-destructive methods.

The Centre for roads and geotechnique

The Centre for roads and geotechnique

The Centre for roads and geotechnics projects new and analyzes existing pavement, to regular quality control of materials and workmanship.

The Centre for structures and prestressing

The Centre for structures and prestressing

The main activities are: architectural and building design, consulting in the field of construction, development and implementation of a system of prestressing,

About us

IMS is the leading engineering and technology Institute in Serbia dedicated to the research and development of construction and materials.


Institute for construction materials testing started its activities in 1929.

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Scientific research and applied work in numerous fields.

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Contact us to talk about the range of services,

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Scientific block


Novost 8

Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia (DIMK), Association of contemporary industry of clay products of Serbia (SIGP) and IMS Institute organizing:

Novost 4

The grand prize “STEP INTO THE FUTURE” was awarded to IMS Institute for technical solution:


Novost 3

IMS Institute is the partner in the international project:

You can view the complete content here.

Novost 7

At the international conference “ModTech 2023”

“Procedure for assessment of the clays suitability towards fast drying”

Novost 6

For special achievements in the profession, in the economic and scientific development of the Republic of Serbia, and in the work of the IT organization of Serbia

Ph.D. Nenad Šušić B.Sc.

became an HONORARY MEMBER of the Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia

Novost 2

The Association of Inventors of Belgrade, within the 37th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Industrial Design, awarded the IMS Institute

The award was received by General manager Ph.D. Dragan Bojović, B.Sc.

Novost 5

For special achievements in the profession, in the economic and scientific development of the Republic of Serbia, and in the work of the IT organization of Serbia

became an HONORARY MEMBER of the Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia

Novost 1

On the IMS Youtube channel there is a new video called:

It is a project where prestressed geotechnical anchors and geotechnical tests were applied, as well as control of concrete and other materials.

Slide Background
Branko Žeželj-member of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Scientists, civil engineer, inventor, university professor

Branko Žeželj is remembered to be one of the greatest and most active constructors in the world.
He was one of the founders and managers of the IMS Institute and the winner of the highest Serbian and international awards.

His original solutions in the domain of civil engineering are accepted and praised worldwide. The movie about this great scientist and creator of original IMS prestressing system watch Youtube kanalu